The Foundation for the Roma Social Development - RAMSES
Str. Gh. Sincai nr. 5
Tel: 0264/222668
405200 - Dej, judetul Cluj
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The mision
The mission of the foundation remains constantly the social
development of romas.
The vision
Our organization proposed to become the most important
partner of the roma community and to local administration from
the nord vest region of Romania, in preparation and derulation
of programs about the dezvolt and improve the social economic
situation od romas from the community in wich those live.
The organization objectives
The RAMSES foundation proposed:
to find the solutions for occupation of jobs
to support the economic initiatives for romas
to support the roma family, the mother and the child
to stimulate the implication of roma youth in the civic life
the change of the prejudication and the neutralization of
diferits sorts of discrimination
to improve the communication between the romas and
the rest of the community
to realizate a viable partnership with the local authorities
- the local ONG
the consolidation of the local civic society and regional
to incurijate the exprimation of the cultural identity of romas
to support the government strategy for improvement of the
situation of romas in Romania